Permanent Life Insurance

Traditional Whole Life ⬤ Single Premium Whole Life ⬤ 5, 10, 15, 20 Year Limited Payment Whole Life ⬤ Life Paid Up at 70 ⬤ Final Expense Immediate Benefit ⬤ Final Expense Graded Benefit ⬤ Guaranteed Issue Final Expense

Traditional Whole Life (WL)

Description: A permanent plan of life insurance for which premiums are level and payable during the lifetime of the insured. Premium rates are banded saving you money on higher insurance amounts. The plan pays dividends and contains guaranteed cash values. The base death benefit remains level over the lifetime of the certificate.

Issue Amounts: $10,000 and over

Age Availability: 0 to 90

Supplemental Benefits Available:
Waiver of Premium, Accidental Death Benefit, Guaranteed Insurability Option, Juvenile Payor Benefit

Single Premium Whole Life (SP)

Description: A permanent plan of life insurance for which there is a one time premium payment. The plan pays dividends and contains guaranteed immediate cash values. The base death benefit remains level over the lifetime of the certificate.

Issue Amounts: $5,000 and over

Age Availability: 0 to 100

Supplemental Benefits Available:
Accidental Death Benefit

Limited Payment Whole Life (PL)

5, 10, 15, 20 Year

Description: A permanent plan of life insurance for which premiums are payable for either 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. The certificate is then paid-up for life. The plan pays dividends and contains guaranteed cash values. The base death benefit remains level over the lifetime of the certificate.

Issue Amounts: $5,000 and over

Age Availability: 0 to 90

Supplemental Benefits Available:
Waiver of Premium, Accidental Death Benefit, Guaranteed Insurability Option, Juvenile Payor Benefit

Life Paid Up at 70 (PU70)

Description: A permanent plan of life insurance for which premiums are payable until the age of 70. The certificate is then paid-up for life. The plan pays dividends and contains guaranteed cash values. The base death benefit remains level over the lifetime of the certificate.

Issue Amounts: $5,000 and over

Age Availability: 0 to 65

Supplemental Benefits Available:    Waiver of Premium, Accidental Death Benefit, Guaranteed Insurability Option, Juvenile Payor Benefit

Final Expense – Immediate Benefit (FEI)

Description: A permanent plan of insurance with a guaranteed death benefit for which premiums are level and payable during the lifetime of the insured. The plan allows for cash value growth and is not dividend participating. No medical exam required.

Issue Amounts:
$2,500 – $25,000 (Age 40-75)
$2,500 – $15,000 (Age 76+)

Age Availability: 40 to 85

Final Expense – Graded Benefit (FEG)

Description: A permanent plan of life insurance for which premiums are level and payable during the lifetime of the insured. The plan allows for cash value growth and is not dividend participating. This plan has a reduced death benefit for the first 2 years. For non-accidental death, the death benefit is limited to 25% of the face amount in the first year and 50% of the face amount in the second year. Thereafter, 100% of the face amount is payable. Full benefits are paid for accidental death from day one. No medical exam required.

Issue Amounts:
$2,500 – $25,000 (Age 40-75)
$2,500 – $15,000 (Age 76+)

Age Availability: 40 to 85


Guaranteed Issue Final Expense (GIWL)

Description: A permanent plan of life insurance for which premiums are level and payable during the lifetime of the insured. The plan allows for cash value growth and is not dividend participating. This plan has a reduced death benefit for the first 2 years. For non-accidental death, the death benefit is limited to the return of 110% of the premium paid during the first 2 years. Thereafter, 100% of the face amount is payable. Full benefits are paid for accidental death from day one. No medical exam required.

Issue Amounts:
$2,500 – $25,000 (Age 40 – 65)
$2,500 – $15,000 (Age 66-75)
$2,500 – $10,000 (Age 76-80)

Term Life Insurance

10, 15, 20, 30 Year Renewable Level Term ⬤ 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Year Decreasing Term Mortgage

Renewable Level Term (RLT)

10, 15, 20, 30 Year

Description: A Term plan of life insurance with premiums payable for either 5, 10, 20, or 30 years. This plan provides the insured with the option of renewing every 5, 10, 20, or 30 years subject to the new premium at each renewal age. Premiums increase each renewable period with a guaranteed maximum amount.

Premium rates are banded saving you money at higher insurance amounts. This plan does not generate cash values or pay dividends. The death benefit remains level over the lifetime of the certificate.

Issue Amounts: $25,000 and over

Age Availability (10 Year): 18 to 65
Age Availability (15 Year): 18 to 60
Age Availability (20 Year): 18 to 55
Age Availability (30 Year): 18 to 45

Supplemental Benefits Available:
Waiver of Premium, Accidental Death Benefit

Decreasing Term Mortgage (DT)

10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Year

Description: A Mortgage Term plan of life insurance with premiums payable for either 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 years. Premiums remain level over the lifetime of the certificate. This plan is not renewable and it does not generate cash values or pay dividends. The death benefit decreases annually over the selected duration.

Issue Amounts: $25,000 and over

Age Availability (10 & 15 Year): 16 to 65
Age Availability (20 Year): 16 to 60
Age Availability (25 Year): 16 to 55
Age Availability (30 Year): 16 to 50

Supplemental Benefits Available:
Waiver of Premium

Quick Issue Term (QLT)

Description: The Quick Issue Level Term or Simplified Issue is similar to the Renewable Level Term except that there is no medical exam required when applying for up to $250,000 in coverage.

Issue Amounts: $25,000 and over

Age Availability (10 Year): 16 to 65
Age Availability (15 Year): 16 to 60
Age Availability (20 Year): 16 to 55
Age Availability (30 Year): 16 to 45

No riders available


The following Supplementary Benefit Options or Certificate Riders are currently available. These options may not be available on every Life Insurance plan that we offer. For pricing or additional information, please contact us or an available agent in your area.

Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)

This option provides for the payment of the face amount of the certificate (maximum of $100,000), in addition to the amount otherwise payable if the insured’s death results solely from injury caused by accidental bodily injuries and occurs within 90 days after the accident. The benefit expires on the certificate anniversary nearest age 65 or at the prior termination of the certificate. This option can be added to all permanent life insurance ( except PRCUA Final Expense Products FEI, FEG, GIWL) and renewable level term life insurance certificates only. Option issued from ages 10-60.

Waiver of Premium (WP)

This rider provides that if the insured becomes totally and permanently disabled, then future certificate premium will be waived provided that the following provisions are met:

That the disability occurs between ages 16 and the certificate anniversary nearest age 60 while the rider is in force; and

That the disability is total and continuous for six months before a claim can be filed, except for the loss of sight of both eyes, or the use of both hands or both feet or one hand and foot; and

That the disability is a result of disease or bodily injury, and is incapable of engaging in any occupation for which the insured has been trained, and is under the care of a licensed physician.

The Union may require the insured at any time or times to furnish due proof of continuance of such total disability and to submit to examination by a physician or physicians designated by it. Such examination shall not be required more than once a year after total disability has continued for 2 years.

This rider can be added to all permanent life insurance certificates (except Membership Special and Single Premium Whole Life certificates), ages 0 to 55, all renewable level term plans ages 16 to 55, all Mortgage Decreasing Term certificates (except Joint Term Life certificates), or riders ages 16 to appropriate maximum age depending upon term duration.

Guaranteed Insurability Option (GIO)

This rider provides the insured an option to purchase a specified amount of additional insurance on specified future dates, at standard rates and without evidence of insurability, on any Permanent Insurance Plan being issued by the Union. The sum insured of the new certificate must be at least the minimum we write for that plan.

Regular Option Dates are the certificate anniversaries of the basic certificate which are nearest the birthdays at ages 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, and 40.

Alternate Option Dates are also available: Date of marriage, date of first live child or date of first legally adopted child. If an Alternate option date is exercised, then the NEXT Regular scheduled option date is automatically bypassed.

The sum insured of the new certificate (exercised option) should be the lesser of: The sum insured on the basic certificate, or the amount in table below – but in no case less than $2,000.

Issued Age of Original Certificate Number of Options Maximum Per Option
0 – 24 6 $10,000
25 – 27 5 $15,000
28 – 30 4 $20,000
31 – 33 3 $25,000
34 – 36 2 $25,000
37 1 $25,000

This rider is available for any permanent insurance plan except the Membership Special and Single Premium Whole Life plans. Issue Ages are 0 to 37.

Juvenile Payor Benefit (JPB)

This rider provides the waiver of premiums on a Juvenile certificate upon the Applicant’s death or total and permanent disability provided that the following provisions are met:

Applicant’s death occurs prior to insured’s certificate anniversary’s 25th birthday while certificate was in force; or

Applicant’s total and permanent disability prior to insured’s certificate anniversary’s 25th birthday or earlier before certificate anniversary nearest Applicant’s 60th birthday; and

That the disability is total and continuous for six months before a claim can be filed, except for the loss of sight of both eyes, or the use of both hands or both feet or one hand and one foot; and

That the disability is a result of disease or bodily injury and is incapable of engaging in any occupation for which the insured has been trained, and is under the care of a licensed physician.

The Union may require the insured at any time or times to furnish due proof of continuance of such total disability and to submit to examination by physician or physicians designated by it. Such examination shall not be required more than once a year after total disability has continued for 2 years.

This rider is available for any juvenile permanent insurance plan (except the Membership Special and Single Premium Whole Life plans) with an insured issue age of 0-15 and the applicant ages of 20-55.

* Important Availability Notice: PRCUA is duly licensed in the United States of America in the states of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Annuity purchase is subject to PRCUA underwriting approval.

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Narod Polski October 2024

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