This page sets forth the terms and conditions under which the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America (“PRCUA”) provides the information on this Web site, as well as the terms and conditions governing your use of this Web site. By making use of this Web site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions we have outlined below. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, do not continue to use or access this Web site.
Privacy Statement
Please click here to read PRCUA’s Privacy Statement.
This Web site does not intend to market any of PRCUA’s products or services to children. PRCUA does not knowingly gather, or solicit data, from children through this Web site for marketing purposes.
Copyright Policy
All of the information and content on this Web site, including but not limited to all text, graphics, software applications, video and audio files and photos (“Content”) are PRCUA’s property and are protected by copyright under both United States and foreign laws, unless otherwise indicated. You may cite or refer to the information on this Web site and make copies of the information for your own use. You must have our written permission to distribute copies of the information to others. To request such permission, send a message via e-mail to legal at Please include your name, address and telephone number, and a description of the intended extent, purpose and distribution of your copying.
The contents of this Web site cannot be distributed to others without the express written permission of PRCUA. You may link to this Web site or the information contained in our Web site with our written permission. You are not permitted to alter the text or graphics on this system by any means without the written permission of PRCUA.
When the contents are used for personal use, you may print copies of the information; store the files on your own computer for your personal use only; and reference hypertext documents on this server from your own documents. Any commercial or public use of this Web site or any portion hereof is strictly prohibited.
Information on this Web site
The information and materials contained on this Web site do not constitute an offer or solicitation for the sale of any insurance product or service in any jurisdiction. Some products described on this Web site may not be available in all jurisdictions and are not available for purchase outside the United States.
The material on this Web site is provided for informational purposes and is not intended and should not be construed as legal or professional advice. It is not a substitute for legal or professional advice from a competent, independent adviser in your jurisdiction.
The contents of this Web site may be changed or updated without notice. PRCUA may also make improvements and/or changes in the products, services and/or programs described on this Web site at any time without notice.
Insurance and Annuity Commerce is a licensed and regulated industry. The Polish Roman Catholic Union of America is duly licensed in the United States of America in the states of Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Applicants must reside in one of the states for which PRCUA is licensed. Insurance and Annuity coverage is subject to PRCUA approval.
Warranties and Accuracy of Information
The material and information on this Web site are provided in “as is” condition. PRCUA specifically disclaims all warranties with respect to this Web site or your use thereof, express, implied, or otherwise, including without limitation, all warranties and guaranties of accuracy, authenticity or completeness of the information provided on this Web site. Under no circumstances will PRCUA be liable for any loss or direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by from the use or misuse of this Web site or the reliance on this information on this Web site.
Hypertext Links
PRCUA provides the text, links, graphics and other information in this Web Site (and in the Web sites that may be accessed from this Web site by hypertext links) as a convenience to its customers. World Wide Web sites of unaffiliated persons or entities which may be accessed from this server by hypertext links contain information created, published, maintained or otherwise posted by organizations independent of PRCUA. Because those other Web sites are not under our control, we cannot guarantee the quality, accuracy, or timeliness of those Web sites.
PRCUA does not endorse, approve or certify any information in such Web sites. Reference to any product or service does not constitute any endorsement or adoption of the views expressed or of the products and services sold on those Web sites. Questions about the content of those Web sites should be directed to their authors.
If you would like to provide a hypertext link from your Web site to this Web site, please request our permission before doing so. To request such permission, send a message via e-mail to legal at Please include in the message your name, address and telephone number, and a description of your Web site and the reason why you would like to establish a link to this Web site.
UserID/Password Use
If you have been assigned a userID for access to restricted sections of this site, you are responsible for all activities executed under your userID and are the only one who may use it. To meet this responsibility, you are expected to keep them confidential. Allowing another person to use your userID and its associated password, using a userID and password assigned to another person, or attempting to gain access to resources for which you are not authorized is considered a serious breach of security and is strictly prohibited.
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There is always the possibility of unknowingly acquiring computer viruses on the Internet. We suggest you make every effort to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, malicious codes and other items of a destructive nature. IN NO EVENT WILL THE PRCUA BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY USE OF THIS WEB SITE, OR ANY OTHER HYPERLINKED WEB SITE.
Enforceability of These Provisions
Should any of these terms and conditions be held invalid, that invalid provision shall be construed to be consistent with the applicable law, and in a manner so as to remain consistent with the original intent of PRCUA. Provisions not otherwise held invalid shall remain in force.