For the Polish American Heritage Month Coloring Contest this October, we are excited to present a theme highlighting one of Poland’s most famous and accomplished sons. 2023 marks the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), the outstanding Polish astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, doctor and economist, creator of the heliocentric theory and author of the work devoted to it, “On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres.” The date of this special year marks the five hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Copernicus. Polish children learn the saying “Wstrzymał słońce, ruszył ziemię. Polskie go wydało plemię,” which translates to “He halted the sun, and moved the earth. The Polish nation gave him birth.” The Polish people are very proud of Mikołaj Kopernik (as he’s known in Polish), who developed the theory that the earth was not the center of the universe, but rather one of many planets that rotate around its sun. This was a huge shift in the thinking of the day, and although his book and ideas were banned for many years, science proved that Nicolaus Copernicus was right all along. Now grab your markers and let’s celebrate this amazing Pole!
We await your entries – prizes will be awarded to winners in multiple age categories!
This coloring contest, the annual PRCUA tradition celebrating October as Polish American Heritage Month, is open to all PRCUA members from 3 to 18 years. The first, simpler picture is designed for children ages 3-9 and the more detailed image for ages 10-18. Our younger members are asked to use crayons, pencils, markers or paint (no fabric, sequins, or glitter, etc.). We ask our older entrants to use markers, paint, or other vibrant media. First and second place prizes will be awarded in multiple age categories and winning submissions featured in the December edition of the Naród Polski. All prizes will include a certificate of achievement.
DEADLINE: Entries must be received by the Home Office no later than Wednesday, November 1, 2023.
Mail to: PRCUA Coloring Contest, 984 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60642-4101.
Picture for contestants 3-9 can be found HERE.
Picture for contestants 10-18 can be found HERE.
Please include contestant’s name, full address, grade, age, school name and society number. Please also indicate any association with a PRCUA language or dance school.